Wednesday, September 10, 2014

First Cause

"Friends, the greatest thinkers throughout the ages and up to modern times have utterly failed to give a satisfactory explanation as to how and when this earth came into existence. Whatever theory they have evolved, they have all eventually come face to face with the necessity of the first cause when they cannot define. So forever they stumble along groping for it, drawing millions after them; and all the time walking patiently behind them, hoping that they will turn around and look Him in the face, is the First Cause, the Lord of heaven and earth!" Frank Jeffries

Frank Jeffries, fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society - astronomer, scientist, mathematician - charged with time determination at famous Greenwich.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

What an inspiring comment. How can we ever doubt our Creator God? At least there are some scientists who believe and aren't afraid to admit it.