Friday, January 30, 2015


On February 7th, 2005 I felt large lumps in both breasts. My physician confirmed the lumps and found smaller ones on each side. A February 16th appointment was made at the hospital for a mammogram and ultrasound, with a surgeon standing by for biopsy. I had known women who died from breast cancer. Was I to be another statistic?

The week prior to mammogram I put my life in order by phoning or writing family and friends to put everything “right” between us. Then I rededicated my life to God, asking forgiveness of all my sins. I told God if it was His will for me to die, it was okay as long as I was “right” with Him. I asked for God’s healing in my life, I read the Bible, I prayed earnestly, I did all these things, but the lumps were still there.

February 16, 2005 - mammogram day. I awoke at 5:30 am and watched the sun rise. “What would this day bring,” I pondered.

 I prayed to God to be near, really near.

 At the hospital I changed into the gown and felt my breasts, and, yes, the lumps were still there.

The mammogram was over and so was the ultrasound. I now awaited the surgeon’s decision whether or not to do a biopsy. I could hear him talking fast and loud about my case. He was scaring me! What was he saying? “Why was she brought in? She has no lumps of any size in her breasts! They are completely clear!”

God worked a miracle! I have been cancer free-lump free for Over 12 years!

Monday, January 26, 2015

However Feeble

Never a prayer is offered, however faltering;
never a tear is shed, however secret;
 never a sincere desire after God is cherished, however feeble,
but the Spirit of God goes forth to meet it.

Christ's Object Lessons, p 208-209, E G White

Satan is Not Permitted...

Satan is not permitted to read our thoughts; but he is a keen observer, and he marks the words and actions, and skillfully adapts his temptations to meet the cases of those who place themselves in his power.

If we would work to repress sinful thoughts and feelings, giving them no expression in words or actions, Satan would be defeated, for he could not prepare his temptations to meet our case.

True Revival, p 10, E G White

BFF - Best Friend Forever

Jesus is eager to be your BFF. He has not changed with the years. His love is as strong, His understanding as perfect, His sympathy as deep, as He was in Bible days.

 Jesus is just as helpful today as at any time past.

Sometimes we are called to pass through periods of trial and hardship. Our future seems hedged with difficulties. Our faith and loyalty are tested to the limit. But God never deserts us. He waits for just the right moment to come to our rescue.

Jesus is "our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble" Psalm 46:1.

Take Jesus at His word and go boldly, with confidence, and tell Him all that is on your heart.

A Reward

You should not look upon present appearances, but keep the eye [focused] to your duty, single on God's glory, and follow in God's opening providence, and the path shall brighten before you.

Every self-denial, every sacrifice, is faithfully recorded, and will bring its reward.

Christian Experience & Teachings, p 134, E G White

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Healing Miracle

Tonight I was draining spaghetti in boiling water - part of the boiling water drained over my left hand! The pain kept increasing- I asked Andy for a cold, wet cloth - that helped a little but my poor hand was still painful and red. Five minutes later, while praying for healing, the pain was totally gone, the redness was gone and neither symptoms have returned! Praise to God for answering prayer!

A similar miracle happened a few years ago. I had received a present of a beautiful ivory lace blouse. Before going out to dinner I accidentally spilled red cough syrup all over the front - it was ruined! I prayed earnestly and when I opened my eyes the large red stain was completely gone!

Our Reaction to Trials

Trials are for our own good. It isn't the trial that counts - its our reaction to it.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Believe it or Not...

Dear People, whether we believe it or not - God Loves Us All. !!!

Mysteries Explained

All that has perplexed us in the providences of God will in the world to come be made plain. The things hard to be understood will then find explanation.

The mysteries of grace will unfold before us. Where our finite minds discovered only confusion and broken promises, we shall see the most perfect and beautiful harmony. We shall know that Infinite Love ordered the experiences that seemed most trying.

As we realize the tender care of God who makes all things work together for our good, (Romans 8:28), we shall rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.

Pain cannot exist in the atmosphere of Heaven. In the Home of the redeemed, there will be no tears, no mourning. ...One rich tide of happiness will flow and deepen as eternity rolls on.

Christian Experiences and Teachings, p 235, E G White (See Revelation 21:3-4)

I've had too many mysteries in my life, this quote gives me assurance that someday they will be explained. Deb M

Friday, January 23, 2015

Communion with Heaven

Those whose hearts are open to receive the support and blessing of God will walk in a holier atmosphere than that of earth and will have constant communion with Heaven.

Steps to Christ, p 99, E G White

No Haste and No Delay

Like the stars in the vast circuit of their appointed path, God's purposes know no haste and no delay....

The Desire of Ages, p 32, E G White

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Parents Need

Without human effort Divine effort is in vain. God will work with power when in trustful dependence upon Him parents will awake to the sacred responsibility resting upon them and seek to train their children aright.
Adventist Home, p 206, Ellen G White

The harder the battle, the greater their [parents] need of help from their heavenly Father, and the more marked will be the victory gained.
Adventist Home, p 208, Ellen G White


How often will [the mother/also wives] feel her burden's weight heavier than she can bear;
and then how precious the privilege of taking it all to her sympathizing Saviour in prayer!

 She may lay her burden at His feet and find in His presence a strength that will sustain her and give her cheerfulness, hope, courage, and wisdom in the most trying hours. 

 How sweet to the careworn mother (or wife) is the consciousness of such a Friend in all her difficulties!

If mothers (or wives) would go to Christ more frequently and trust Him more fully, their burdens would be easier, and they would find rest to their souls.

Adventist Home, chapter 33, p 204, E G White

A Mother's Best Friend

Your compassionate Redeemer is watching you with love and sympathy, ready to hear your prayers and to render you the assistance which you need.

Jesus knows the burdens of every mother's heart and is her best Friend in every emergency.
He sympathizes with every mother in her cares and anxieties.

Adventist Home, p 204, E G White

Woman's Best Friend Today

The Savior [Jesus Christ] is woman's best Friend today and is ready to aid her in all the relations of life.

Adventist Home, p 204, E G White

Monday, January 12, 2015

Stupendous Crisis Coming

The present is a time of overwhelming interest to all living.
Rulers and statesmen, (those) who occupy positions of trust and authority, thinking men and women of all classes, have their attention fixed upon the events taking place about us.

They are watching the relations that exist among the nations. They observe the intensity that is taking possession of every earthly element, and they recognize that something great and decisive is about to take place...that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis.

Prophets & Kings, page 537 chapter 43, Ellen G White, also read p 536
Please Read in Holy Scripture:  Matthew chapter 24, Mark 13, Luke 17 and Luke 21
See blogs June 13, 2015 No Mimic Battle and Before Our Eyes

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Faint Mirrors Jesus' Love

The love - which in faithful care and proper training - the parent manifests for the child faintly mirrors the love of Jesus for His faithful people.

  Adventist Home p 199, E G White

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Child & Parent - Sacred Circle

Parents should not forget their childhood years, how much they yearned for sympathy and love, and how unhappy they felt when censured and fretfully chided.

Parents! give your children love: love in babyhood, love in childhood, love in youth (teen years).

Children, between babyhood and (adult), do not generally receive the attention that they should have.

When the children are tired and really need [a parent's] care, they are neglected or given something to eat... What they did need was the mother's soothing embrace.

Every mother should have time to give her children little endearments which are so essential during infancy and childhood. ...She is to them what God is to us.

The more unlovely [the children] are, the greater pains you should take to reveal your love for them. When the child has confidence that you want to make him/her happy, love will break every barrier down.

It is by beholding love in their parents that children are led to obey the fifth commandment... "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right."

Selections from Adventist Home chapter 31, E G White

Security - Love or Money?

From a worldly viewpoint, money is power; but from the Christian standpoint, love is power.

Wealth is often an influence to corrupt and destroy; force is strong to do hurt; but truth and goodness are the properties of pure love.

That which Satan plants in the heart - envy, jealousy, evil [thoughts], evil speaking, impatience, prejudice, selfishness, covetousness, and vanity - must be uprooted.

Selections from Adventist Home, chapter 31, Ellen G White

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Family Life - Sacred Circle

There is a sacred circle around every family which should be preserved. No other one has the right in that sacred circle. The husband and wife should be all to each other. ...Never should either party indulge in a joke at the expense of the other's feelings.

Friends and acquaintances we may have, but in the home life they are not to meddle.

Let the husband and wife remember that they have burdens enough to carry without making their lives wretched by allowing differences to come in.

 Those who give place to little differences invite Satan into their homes.

Adventist Home, excerpts from chapter 27, E G White

Sunday, January 4, 2015

No Need to Repeat

When God gives a law or a statement - He does not need to repeat Himself - He is God.