Thursday, August 20, 2015

Demonic Miracles & Healings?

Many Christians assume that any supernatural power must come from God. Can Satan actually heal? And if so, how can we tell the working of the devil from the working of God?

Just before Jesus’ coming, demons will work miracles, [see Revelation 16:14]. Genuine miracles from the devil! And these satanic powers perform their wonders in the name of Jesus Christ, [see Matthew 7:22-23.]

So false prophets will use Christ's name to practice evil and lawlessness. Through these deceivers the devil performs all kinds of lying wonders to entrap the unsuspecting. Miracles themselves are not proof of God's presence.

Never forget. Some miracles are the work of the devil done in the spirit of lawlessness – violating God’s law. “This is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” 1 John 5:3.

Genuine love for God is the test, and true love for God means obeying His commandments. Love for God means more than a warm fuzzy feeling in our hearts when we worship. The proof of Christian love is not miracles, not speaking in tongues – the proof is keeping God’s commandments. John 14:15.

based on a book by George Vandeman in Comrades in Christ, p 21

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