Friday, April 3, 2015

Religious Liberty in Public School

Public elementary school, District 66 in Omaha, Nebraska, had many memorable, spiritual moments!

 In sixth grade we discussed the Biblical Flood, the long lives of pre-Flood people, why Pilgrim women did not wear make-up, and how our weekdays received their names from paganism.

In grades 1 through 12 our class sang songs based on the Old Testament and this in Public School!

 However, when I checked out a Bible from the school library the principal promptly reprimanded me, saying Bible reading was for the home!

In sixth grade all the students explained different aspects of their religion (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Atheist). From these discussions the varied backgrounds understood each other better. We were taught everyone has the right to believe as they wish despite anyone's opinion to the contrary.

We were taught to believe in religious freedom, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble peacefully, and liberty of conscience.

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