Friday, January 24, 2014

A Miracle in a Storm

While grocery shopping Andy noted the weather was nice except for some lightening in the west. Suddenly, in the store, Andy hurried me into the meat lockers. Protesting, I exclaimed, "We don't eat meat! What are you doing!?" Just then ceiling insulation began falling and customers were screaming, but still I did not understand that outside a horrific storm was taking place.

Driving home Andy was darting back and forth on the street to keep from hitting tree limbs strewn about. Meeting us at the back door our three pets had bugged out eyes and tongues hanging out. They looked silly, but were afraid of something that happened to the house.

The next morning we saw the problem, the top portion of the neighbor's pine tree had broken off and was sticking out of our roof like an arrow. The tree pierced the roof, but not the interior ceiling! No wonder our pets were frightened! There were over two hundred trees destroyed or damaged at the park across the street; and it is a miracle we did not lose all our big trees or home!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

God's protection, in whatever form it takes, is a miracle for sure!