Saturday, July 12, 2014

Animal Friends

In 1968, due to orthopedic surgery, I was completely bed-ridden for two months and was allowed to have a kitten for company. Since a friend's cat had kittens we chose an orange kitten named Buffy to be my companion!

Buffy had an uncanny sense about my needs for he stayed by my side 24/7. Every morning, at exactly 7:00 a.m., he would awaken me by first meowing, then by sitting on my stomach, then sitting on my chest, then by patting my nose, and finally by sitting on my face! Quickly I learned to wake up before this last step! Buffy was my companion for 17 years.

In elementary school, while waiting for the school bus, the neighbor's huge Saint Bernard, Humphrey, waited with me. He also met me at the bus stop after school acting as a deterrent to anyone wishing me harm.

Part of my final grade in high school zoology was caring for two baby garter snakes at home. They were a trial. One afternoon, before Mom's bridge party, the snakes escaped their terrarium, but were found - after the party!

In 1965 Dad purchased a two-year-old Appaloosa gelding named Spottum Bottum. Later that year I showed Spottum in the nationally known Ak-Sar-Ben Livestock Show where we placed sixth out of 42 in Junior Western Pleasure. Spottum won numerous trophies, but his main purpose was being my friend.

As a child I took Mark 16:15 literally and preached “the gospel to every creature," which included the horses, cats and dogs at Hillside Stables. My main love of horses was riding through nature singing and talking to God.

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