Sunday, July 13, 2014

Mercy & Truth Kiss

[In God] mercy and truth meet, righteousness and peace kiss each other.

 God's wisdom is first pure, then peace loving, gentle and courteous, open to reason, full of mercy and good works, impartial and without hypocrisy. God is merciful and gracious, slow to become angry and abounding in continual love and faithfulness.

O Lord God, there is no god like you anywhere! For You keep Your promises and show love and mercy to your servants who love and follow You with all their hearts. And mercy surrounds all those who trust You.

Understand this, that the Lord God is God! He is a merciful God, keeping His covenant of Love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His Laws. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth to those who keep His covenant and Law.

Jesus said, "Woe to you...for you have neglected the importance of the Law, which is: justice, mercy and faith. Go and learn what this means. `I desire mercy and not sacrifice' [Hosea 6:6]. For I did not come to call the [self] righteous to repentance, but the [repentant] sinners."

God has told you what He wants from you, and this is it: to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly in His Law.

 Return to God. Hold on to His mercy and justice. And wait for Him to come again. Keep yourselves in God's Love as you wait for Our Lord Jesus Christ to come again in mercy and to bring you eternal life.

The above quotes are from these Bible texts:
Psalm 85:10/ James 3:17/ Exodus 34:6/ 1 King 8:23/ Psalm 32:10/ Deuteronomy 7:9/ Psalm 25:10/ Matthew 23:23; 9:13/ Micah 6:8/ Hosea 12:6/ Jude 21/ 1 Chronicles 16:34/ Psalm 89:1,2; 108:4-5/ Psalm 42:8/ Luke 1:50/ Psalm 107:43; 118:2; 89:33/ Jeremiah 9:24/ 1 Timothy 1:2.

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