Thursday, October 29, 2015


On Halloween 1964 I was allowed to go "trick or treating" with the neighbor kids Merry and Mark who were two years older than me. The rule was to stay on 91st Street Circle, but we decided the "treats" were better on the other side of busy 90th Street.

After crossing 90th Street in the dark the first home owner we came to eagerly led us into his garage. He told us for a "treat" he was giving us fresh fish he had caught that very morning. Being excited about “fresh” fish we were each given six or more frozen fish. The fish wrappers were stamped, "June 1962,” but this made no difference to us, we were only in grades 3 thru 5!

We were proud of our fish, but kept getting farther from home and finally were lost. It started raining, thundering and lightning and being very scared we started running and shouting. Adults came out of their homes to see what the commotion was all about and yelled at us. We were so scared we threw our thawing fish all over their lawns, which only made the adults yell louder! Running down the street we met Dad who was driving around trying to find us! After a reprimand he drove us home. Dad and Mom were upset that anyone would give me two-year-old frozen fish and the next day Dad went to see the man and gave him some words.

After Halloween (1964) my friend Merry and I got into more trouble. In her basement we found a wall box with pop bottle tops sticking out of it. There were purple caps, red caps, orange caps, and yellow caps, but we thought they were grape, strawberry, orange and lemon soda bottle tops. When Merry’s dad found us pulling on the tops, he was very upset, because the tops were old fashioned, live electrical fuses!

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