Tuesday, November 12, 2013

God's Protection in Disasters

God has protected me from many things including natural disasters.

In Alaska, in 1967, we were traveling with Uncle Morris in a motor home. On our way from Fairbanks to Anchorage we planned to camp overnight at a lake but for some reason pulled up camp and drove through the night. The next morning we learned earthquake tremors had struck Fairbanks! The Lord protected.

My hometown of Omaha has been struck by killer tornadoes numerous times. While living in that city my family home never suffered damage and always we were hours away when the storms hit. Often I wondered what future plans the Lord had for me seeing He sheltered me so many times.

In 1998 the Lord urged me to go to the crawl space due to a fast moving, severe thunderstorm headed for my home. The winds were blowing at 108 mph! Tornado sirens began blaring. While trying to remain calm I made myself comfortable on the dirt crawl space floor. While praying, a peace came over me and sensing the protection of Heavenly angels I fell asleep during the worst of the storm. Later my husband came home and the storm was over! It was just like resurrection morning! I fell asleep with the assurance of God's peace and the next thing someone was calling to awaken me.

"Great peace have they which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend them." Psalms 119:165 [KJV]

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