Sunday, January 5, 2014

Saved from Death

Being diabetic I take insulin before a meal. Just last night I took my insulin injection, and then ate a bowl of lettuce (an insulin shot is not needed to eat lettuce.) Five minutes later I became dizzy, slurred speech, light-headed, and could not stand without falling! I had no idea what was wrong! My husband half-carried me into the bedroom and I laid down. I prayed and my husband prayed. Neither of us realized that I was going into insulin shock and could die! But, God heard our prayers! In fifteen seconds I felt impressed to get out of bed and eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I was restored to health with no bad after-effects! All praise be to God!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Oh, how scary that must have been! Glad God took care of the situation and impressed you to eat that sandwich... Take care, my friend, and thanks for sharing your experience.