Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Satan's Lies Debunked

If we believe Satan’s lies, we will begin to doubt God, forget that God loves us, and focus on our hopelessness.

Jesus stood up against Satan’s lies (Matthew 4:1-11), and Satan was forced to leave. Because we are in Christ, we can do the same.

Since the above is true, we need to:

Recognize their source--“Let no one deceive you” Matthew 24:4

Satan Says................................GOD Says
You are condemned………………. No condemnation to those In Christ
You will never get victory………... You always have victory in Christ
You are worthless………………… You are a chosen vessel for Me
You are stupid…………………….. You have been given the mind of Christ
God does not love you……………. My Love for you is Everlasting

Refuse Satan’s suggestions-- Satan is a liar and the father of lies --John 8:44
Since Satan is the source of all dishonesty, his suggestion will be a deception.

Rely on the Holy Spirit for appropriate Scripture--Ephesians 6:17
Trust God to give us His truth to counter each deception.

Repeat that Scripture--John 8:12
Claim God’s promise in full assurance of faith.

Renounce any hold Satan has on you--Proverbs 28:13
Cancel the consent given to Satan, throw away all idols - modern or pagan, this breaks his hold on you.

Resist the devil and he will leave you--James 4:7
Submit totally to God, resist the devil and he must flee.

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