Thursday, April 9, 2015

Buffy the Kitten - My Nurse

In 1968, due to orthopedic surgery, I was completely bed-ridden for two months so was allowed to adopt a kitten!

Since a friend's cat had kittens I chose an orange kitten named Buffy to be my companion, actually Buffy chose me! As soon as I sat on my friend's floor to inspect the kittens, Buffy, an nine week old crawled right into my lap and would not leave. So actually Buffy chose me!

Buffy had an uncanny sense about my needs for he stayed by my side 24 hours a day. Every morning, at exactly 7:00 a.m., he would awaken me by first meowing, then by sitting on my stomach, then by sitting on my chest, then by patting my nose, and finally by sitting on my face! Quickly I learned to wake up before this last step!

God was so good and kind to give me such a loving companion!

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