Thursday, November 28, 2013


A few years ago, while seeing Andy’s grandparents’ graves, we remembered a unique mausoleum. The sealed door was open and Andy wanted to look inside. Feeling suddenly frightened I implored Andy not to get any closer. "Why,” he joked, “Dead people can't hurt you." But seeing how upset I was he agreed to leave and we drove to his parents' house. After telling Andy’s mother the ordeal she turned pale explaining, "I'm so glad you didn’t look inside! One hour ago we heard grave robbers had broken into the mausoleum and coffin, and the sheriff hasn't closed off the area yet. If you had gone in you would have seen the decomposed body!"

While going door-to-door I left literature at one house and then went to the next home. Moments later the man at the first house came out asking me to discuss a Bible topic with him inside his house. At this point the Lord strongly prompted me that this man only meant to harm me and to “get going!” Declining the man’s coaxings I drove to another area, and since learned it was a good thing I did not go into his house! “For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalm 91:11.

Having read that many people die without hope in the resurrection, I pray nightly for the Lord to be with all those who are dying, to comfort them and their families, and to save them all in His Kingdom.

Years ago, in the middle of the night, I awoke with the impression that my California friend, actor James Stewart, was dying. I began praying for the Lord to be very near to James, and for him to ask and receive forgiveness of his sins. An hour later I felt peace that James was safe and fell back asleep. The next morning I learned James had died during the night. Though saddened I believe he will be resurrected at Jesus’ Second Coming. This is a great comfort to me.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Awesome experiences that prove the power and care of our heavenly Father. When we base our faith and experience on the Word of God, He doesn't hesitate to intervene for our safety and good.