Friday, December 12, 2014

Demon Harrassment

Before Andy left on a business trip I mentioned two problems: 1) my clothes hangars would fall off the rod by themselves hitting me on the head; and 2) no matter how many times I straightened my dining chair it was always at a 45 degree angle. Andy made a joke about it, saying not to worry. Still, I was concerned; it seemed unnatural. While Andy was gone the bizarre episodes continued.

One night, while Andy was gone, our cat began howling and crawling in counter clock-wise circles. Being unable to comfort her I turned out the light and prayed and prayed, then I went to sleep.

At about ten minutes after midnight I was awakened by a loud commotion in the kitchen, it sounded like someone rummaging through the silverware! Sitting up in bed, and thinking the cat was into mischief, I was surprised to find her lying by my side shaking. Being terrified of a possible prowler I prayed, and walked towards the kitchen constantly praying.

While passing the study, where I wrote out Bible tracts, my blood ran cold and my heart almost stopped. Standing transfixed, I noticed a very tall man gazing out the window. He was no ordinary man, his size indicated that - who was he? His presence and appearance was chilling. Praying that I would not see its face, I shakily walked to the kitchen turning on more lights and praying only to find the silverware in perfect order. In the dining room my chair was again at a 45-degree angle from the table.

Going through my home and constantly praying I made note that the windows and doors were all locked and found no prowler. In passing the study the second time the man was gone and the windows were all locked from the inside. In the bedroom the cat was still shaking so I knew she sensed evil too, then I prayed some more and read Scripture and fell into a troubled sleep.

Telling an Adventist doctor about this experience she had me repeat the experience several times then called the Adventist pastor who was familiar with such things. In retelling the experience, and answering their numerous questions, both the Pastor and doctor were convinced I was not fabricating the story. The pastor assured me that demon harassment and demon possession were two different things.

The pastor believed that Satan was harassing me because of the Bible tracts I was writing and my witnessing program.

All praise to the Lord for protecting me!

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