Friday, January 30, 2015


On February 7th, 2005 I felt large lumps in both breasts. My physician confirmed the lumps and found smaller ones on each side. A February 16th appointment was made at the hospital for a mammogram and ultrasound, with a surgeon standing by for biopsy. I had known women who died from breast cancer. Was I to be another statistic?

The week prior to mammogram I put my life in order by phoning or writing family and friends to put everything “right” between us. Then I rededicated my life to God, asking forgiveness of all my sins. I told God if it was His will for me to die, it was okay as long as I was “right” with Him. I asked for God’s healing in my life, I read the Bible, I prayed earnestly, I did all these things, but the lumps were still there.

February 16, 2005 - mammogram day. I awoke at 5:30 am and watched the sun rise. “What would this day bring,” I pondered.

 I prayed to God to be near, really near.

 At the hospital I changed into the gown and felt my breasts, and, yes, the lumps were still there.

The mammogram was over and so was the ultrasound. I now awaited the surgeon’s decision whether or not to do a biopsy. I could hear him talking fast and loud about my case. He was scaring me! What was he saying? “Why was she brought in? She has no lumps of any size in her breasts! They are completely clear!”

God worked a miracle! I have been cancer free-lump free for Over 12 years!

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