Friday, March 27, 2015

Lessons from a Rescue Dog

"All about us God has placed the beautiful things of nature that they may teach us about Him." The Wonderful Way (Dept. of Education, General Conference of S.D.A., 1955, page 412.)

Our dear Ingrid, the rescue collie dog, has been a true blessing - teaching us lessons about God. She was saved from what we believe was an abusive home, and Ingrid is constantly thankful for being rescued.

Ingrid teaches us about God’s protection. When I am bathing, Ingrid lays outside the bathroom door as protection. One day Andy came home unexpectedly (using the front door) and I was in the shower. According to Andy, Ingrid crouched by the front door and was growling deep in her throat with hackles up because she did not expect Andy, and Ingrid felt I was in danger. After a few seconds she recognized Andy and made little apologetic sounds and allowed him to enter the house.

Ingrid teaches us how to be obedient to God. She does this by paying close attention to our every word and action. When asked to perform a chore she does it willingly and without hesitation. If only we would remember to be obedient when God asks us to do something for Him.

Ingrid teaches us to remain close to God. Whenever Andy comes home, (using the back door), no matter the time, Ingrid bounds out with great enthusiasm and greets him at the back door. If only we had as much enthusiasm for Christ and His return.

 Ingrid is faithful and remaining close is her way of worshipping us.

We really loved Ingrid for she was a true friend. We prayed for the right dog and found her, and we like to think that perhaps Ingrid was "praying" for the right home and that her prayers were answered too!!!

1 comment:

Rhoda Rose said...

Ingrid-- great name. She was protecting you, and a great companion. We have a small dog, Skipper. He alerts me if anyone comes into the yard, and if I am I'll he never leaves my side.