Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Benign tumors

Four weeks ago Andy's doctor (ENT) found two tumors on Andy's neck, one was quite large. A biopsy was performed - both were benign! The ENT urged to have them removed ASAP - so the following week they were removed in a 3 hour surgery. Andy's incision goes from around the ear down almost to the adam's apple. Praise the Lord that none of the facial nerves were cut/damaged!

The day after Andy's surgery I noticed a large, painful purple/red lump on my left breast. My doctor saw me the next day and it was removed. It was benign!

We are both in pain still, but healing.

Praise God the tumors were benign and removed promptly!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Praise God for answered prayers! We may be scarred and hurting, but at least we're alive...