Saturday, December 31, 2016

True Story

Long ago, God made the heavens and the earth, and placed the first parents of humanity in the Garden of Eden. This couple disobeyed God, and later their children became more and more wicked until finally God had to punish them.

But God still loved them all, and sent messengers to tell them of His love and forgiveness. But the people would not listen.  After a long time Jesus came down from Heaven Himself to make plain how real His love was for humanity.

So, leaving behind all the glorious things of
Heaven, Jesus changed Himself into a baby, and grew up as all boys do. When He became a man Jesus went about telling people of His love for them, all the time healing and helping them in every way He could.

Jesus told them, that if only they would believe in Him, He would freely forgive them of all the wicked things they had done, and save them from the punishment that was theirs. He also promised to give them eternal life - to return for them, raise them from their graves, and take them to live with Him forever in the beautiful, peaceful Heaven!

This was wonderful!

But instead, they nailed Jesus to a big wooden cross, hanging Him up until He died. It was an awful thing to do to Jesus the King of Heaven.  Jesus was buried, and came to life on the third day. He met with His followers, then after forty days returned to Heaven, promising to return for all those who believe in Him.

 God does not punish the wicked now, instead He wants to give them another chance.
That is why Jesus delays His coming!

 But His coming must be soon now!, all the signs listed in the Holy Bible point to Jesus' soon return!

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved!

based on Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories, vol. one, p 165-167, (Review & Herald, 1950)
Story title:  What Charlie Heard

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